EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14) — A dust storm warning blanketed El Paso on Monday, leaving residents grappling with high winds and poor air quality. Many locals shared their experiences, highlighting the challenges of living in the borderland during such weather conditions.
Christopher Contreras, an El Paso resident, described the situation: “It’s so dusty out there, man. I get dust all up in my mouth and my eyes.”
Jerry Valenzuela, another resident, said, “I woke up this morning, I got the alert. As soon as I got that alert, I was like, well, there goes the rest of the day.”
Some residents in Northeast El Paso weren’t as fazed by the conditions today.
“This is nothing. It’s been worse. It’s been to that point where I have had trouble crossing the street just to get to the bus stop. That was about a year, maybe two years ago,” said Laura Acosta as she waited for the bus.
“I got off of work early, so I’m pretty happy, but I’m still gonna walk my dog and go to the gym,” Carlos Mares remarked.
Acosta and Mares say they’ve lived in El Paso long enough to be used to the weather by now.
“It’s not going to change. It’s going to it’s probably might get worse. But you just got to take your time, especially watch out for pedestrians. That’s the that’s the main thing is watch out for pedestrians,” Acosta said.
The dust storm not only affected visibility but also made driving hazardous. Contreras noted, “It does get a little bad on Montana and I-10, but you know what, we’re kinda used to it here in Texas.” He expressed sympathy for truck drivers unfamiliar with the conditions, saying, “I do feel bad for the eighteen-wheelers who have to drive out here from other states.”
Valenzuela added, “Pretty much weather like this, any type of rain, anything like that, it does cause a little bit of tense driving for other people.”
The storm left parks deserted as residents opted to stay indoors, hoping for a return to normalcy soon. Valenzuela remarked, “I feel like after a dust storm like this, most people wouldn’t want to go out.”
Contreras advised, “Stay indoors, it’ll get a little sunny again here in El Paso, it’ll get better.”
RELATED: Weather Warn: Strong winds and blowing dust Monday & Tuesday
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