Yahoo Sports NFL analyst Nate Tice and fantasy analyst Matt Harmon discuss Chicago’s signing of the former Falcons defensive lineman among other moves on the first day of free agency. Hear the full conversation on “Football 301” – and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you listen.
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Uh, moving on to the Bears, who made a couple signings, speaking splurge actually, uh, Grady Jarrett, defensive tackle from the Falcons, was released this weekend, and then the Bears signed him for 3 years, $43 million.
Like that gap shooting defensive tackle.
They have some interesting defensive tackles already on the roster, um, like I make sure a few.
The guy Andrew Billings was a vet that has played nicely for them.
Um, I think Jarrett’s a nice little synergy there, a little difference there with those two.
Also they have some young guys on their roster, Zach Pickens, you know, they got some guys that they like to throw out there as well, and I, why am I just blanking on this other defense attempt.
Did they freaking cut him?
Oh, Dexter, Dexter, that’s the other one.
But they have some interesting young guys too.
Grady Jarrett’s a leader as well, great locker room presence, um, a little different type than maybe thought Dennis Allen would go after, but when you have a bunch of beef on the outside, like Montes Sweat and Dao Ode Inbo, uh, who also got 3 years, 48 million from the Bears, that’s another length guy.
They want to push the pocket if you guys.
On the outside that can kind of make that pocket real tight, then you get a gap shooter on the inside that kind of clean it up and maybe push a guy to that pocket squeeze on the outside.
So I like this for the Bears, even he’s a different type than what they have right now.
Um, and Gray’s a great locker room presence.
Other signing, Drew Dallman made him the 2nd highest paid center in NFL history.
3 years, $42 million.28 million dollars guaranteed.
I think Dallman is fine.
I think Dollman is a fine, solid starting center.
Uh, I knew he would get overpaid.
I have a a little hesitation with his, you know, where he would fit with everybody.
I think he’s best in the zone scheme.
He’s under sized, pass protection is a little iffy.
Um, he’s fairly smart, uh, can kind of sort some things out.
This is a classic argument going from not crap, or crap to not crap.
Even if I think he’s adequate, fine, solid, whatever adjective I want to use, descriptor I want to use, he’s better than what they had.
And on top of it, when you have Tuny and Jonah Jackson on either side of him, I like it a little bit more, a little bit beef to help him out on the inside as well.
So even if it’s an overpaid, I still like this for the Bears overall.
I’ll give this a thumbs up, uh, even if, yes, there’s some splurging here, but I give the Bears overall these three signings of the thumbs up because I understand the arguments for them, but any thoughts on the Bears’ moves?
Yeah, it’s just, it’s always on my radar when Team moves on from player at area that they need desperate help, and then another team’s like, oh, we gotta pay that guy a lot of money.
That’s a little bit with what we’re doing here with Grady Jarrett, who gets cut and then is immediately gets a big fat contract on the first day of free agency, and he’s definitely not the same player that he used to be, but I, I think he could still be useful for the Bears.
I kind of like your theory about big dudes on the outside, we can go a little lighter on the inside.