President Donald Trump broke records for the duration of his address to Congress Tuesday and the number of words used in his speech. How did he do in Nielsen TV ratings?
Trump drew an estimated 36.6 million viewers, reported Nielsen, which tracks how many people watch television programs. The number of viewers was lower than in any of Trump’s first four addresses to Congress in his previous administration.
Closer look: Charts analyze Trump’s address.
Former President Bill Clinton retains the highest Nielsen rating in presidential addresses to Congress with 66.9 million viewers in 1993. While viewership numbers have fluctuated since then, the overall trend shows a decline.
Which presidents had the most TV viewers?
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Viewership peaked at 37,895,000 from 9:45 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET, Nielsen said. Trump attracted the most viewers, 47.7 million, in his address to Congress in 2017.
Of viewers watching Trump on Tuesday:
- 5.7% were aged 18-34.
- 20.5% were aged 35-54.
- 70.7% were aged 55 and older.
Trump’s viewership was 4.4 million more than those recorded by his predecessor Joe Biden in 2024.
Fewer viewers tuned in for Trump’s second swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 20, Nielsen reported. An estimated 24.6 million viewers overall watched the event on TV, with a peak of 34.4 million recorded during the 12:15 quarter-hour, Nielsen said.
The overall viewership was less than the estimated 33.8 million viewers who watched Joe Biden’s inauguration in 2021 and less than the 30.6 million who viewed Trump’s first inauguration in 2017, Nielsen reported.
SOURCE USA TODAY Network reporting and research; Nielsen