St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso marks Ash Wednesday with prayer as Lent begins

Catholics gathered at St. Patrick Cathedral in Downtown El Paso to receive ashes on their foreheads from the Rev. Marcus McFadin during an early morning Ash Wednesday service.

“It’s the start of Lent, so we all come together in the church and have Mass,” said Ann Johny, an El Paso Catholic. “It’s the 40 days before our Easter. It’s time for us to reflect and get ready.”

This tradition among Borderland Catholics has its roots in the Old Testament, where ashes on the forehead was “a sign of repentance for sins, and a sign of one’s humility before God,” according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Catholics receive ashes on their foreheads from Rev. Marcus McFadin, who celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, on March 5, 2025.

Many churches get their ashes for the services by burning palm fronds returned to their parishes that were used during the Palm Sunday service a year earlier. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter.

The faithful came in their work or school uniforms at 7 a.m. Wednesday, March 5, to start their day on the first day of Lent.

“It means getting closer to God, keeps me tight with God and helps me go through my life. I have three grandkids and two kids and need all the help I can get,” said Joe Moreno, who attended the 7 a.m. service. “God gave up his son, his one and only son for us and I think it’s very important for us to realize that.”

Catholics attend Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, before receiving ashes on their foreheads during Ash Wednesday services on March 5, 2025.

Catholics stayed and prayed for the hour-long Mass celebration before receiving their ashes.

“Ash Wednesday means communing closely with my beliefs and my religion and my God,” El Paso Catholic William Snyder said. “Lent is important because it symbolizes the deep faith that I have with my religion.”

When can you eat on Ash Wednesday?

Catholics are expected to fast on Ash Wednesday. Fasting means consuming only one full meal a day; two smaller meals that don’t add up to a full meal are also allowed.

Children and the elderly are exempt from the fasting requirement on Ash Wednesday and during Lent.

Catholics receive ashes on their foreheads during Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, on March 5, 2025.

Rev. Marcus McFadin blesses the ashes during Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, during Ash Wednesday services on March 5, 2025.

Catholics receive ashes on their foreheads from Rev. Marcus McFadin, who celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, on March 5, 2025.

Catholics attend Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, before receiving ashes on their foreheads during Ash Wednesday services on March 5, 2025.

Catholics kneel during Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, before they receive ashes on their foreheads during Ash Wednesday services on March 5, 2025.

This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: St. Patrick Cathedral marks 2025 Ash Wednesday with prayer, reflection

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